Top 10 European Hydroenergy Generation in January 2023
According to data from Electrend, in January 2023, the top 10 countries in Europe generated a total of 25.5 TWh (1 TWh=1000 GWh) of hydroenergy power generation, with the top 10 countries accounting for 91.4% of the total hydroenergy generation in Europe that month.
Sweden generated 6.1TWh of hydroenergy power in January, accounting for 21.9% of the hydroenergy power generation in Europe that month, a year-on-year decrease of 26%.
Sweden uses hydroenergy as the main force of renewable energy generation, accounting for not only 60.4% of the country's renewable energy generation, but also 42.4% of the country's total electricity generation (renewable energy+traditional energy) that month.
In January, France's hydroenergy generation reached 5.5TWh respectively, a year-on-year increase of 8%. Despite maintaining numerical growth, the proportion of hydroenergy generation in renewable energy has decreased from 56.7% in the same period last year to 45.8% this year.
Spain and Portugal are also major hydroenergy generation countries in Europe, with electricity generation reaching 3.8TWh and 2.2TWh in January, respectively, with a surge of 65% and 340%.
Spain and Portugal are adjacent countries and share similarities in their renewable energy structure. However, the most important aspect of renewable energy generation in Spain is still wind power (which generated 7.3TWh of wind power in that month), while Portugal has weakened wind power in the past year to increase the proportion of hydroenergy generation.